Saturday, April 30, 2016

Equal Rights for Dads!

Instead of all this Target boycott nonsense, who's ready to join a real cause for public restroom reform?

Demand changing tables in ALL public male restrooms!

It's 2016. Dads participate now. They expect to, want to, and deserve to! 

Some families have only a Dad. Or brother, uncle, grandpa. What are they supposed to do?

Some families have only two Dads. What are they supposed to do? 

Some families have stay-at-home Dads. What are they supposed to do? 

And some families just plain share responsibilities and Moms sometimes need a friggin break.

Ways to ACT:
  • Write letters to the offending businesses, their parent companies, and franchises.
  • Make and sign community petitions.
  • Put notes on the walls and doors of restrooms with your requests.
  • Write, "Where's the changing table? #ParentEquality" on the men's restroom mirrors with a dry erase marker.
  • Dads, start changing poopy diapers in store aisles, restaurant tables, office hallways, and other inappropriate places. 
  • Share more ideas in the comments!

It will be epic. Whatever you decide to do, take a picture and post it on social media with #ParentEquality (unless you come up with something more clever - if so, let me know!). Include the location so everyone else can be prepared when they frequent that business. Also include those businesses that recognize Dad Rights and celebrate them!

Dads can't breastfeed, but they can do everything else. That means they deserve to have the same opportunity and right to a public place to wipe their children's behinds.

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